With the Coronavirus emergency, our work has changed, and we now have new opportunities for inclusive work. Masks, sanitization services, gown packaging: new projects are now being developed within the FACTORY.
Masks, sanitization services and packaging of disposable gowns: with the Covid-19 pandemic, work in the Factory, the inclusive working hub of Futura, has also changed. After the launch of the sanitization service, in fact, the range of activities related to the health emergency has expanded. The Arcadia company, a company from Sedegliano that produces the Ovtene sustainable plastic material, has entrusted the giftware department with the packaging of disposable gowns intended for healthcare facilities. A choice of great interest to the world of inclusion and which reaffirms how solidarity is also synonymous with quality.
The same attention that we have always paid to people we also put in work and production.
– Ilaria Miniutti, Futura sales manager
“It is not true that in order to work well we must neglect people: – explains Ilaria Miniutti, Futura’s sales manager – indeed, precisely from our lean production path we learned that the satisfaction of the people who work is the key to customer satisfaction”.
A novelty on the Covid-19 theme also arrives in the solidarity shop www.geneticamentediverso. A few days ago, the cotton masks of the social cooperative La Ragnatela of Majano (Ud) arrived on the e-commerce of the Italian solidarity created by Futura. Of various colors, shapes and sizes, they are entirely handmade in inclusive laboratories, where staff with disabilities and disadvantages work. To purchase them and actively support both the cooperative and the solidarity e-commerce project, just go to www.geneticamentediverso.it and search in the category “Accessories, masks and bijoux” or search among the many products of Italian solidarity.
Article translated by Carlo Colloredo